Rabu, 25 Maret 2020

Turn off this household appliance if you want to speed up your wifi

From Cosmopolitan

Now that government advice on coronavirus means we're only allowed to leave the house once a day, more of us than ever are working from home. Which, as well as making us want to snack 24/7, brings with it some hefty challenges, such as trying to keep our composure when the wifi is being slow.

A new report from media regulator Ofcom aims to advise people on how to improve their internet speed, and on things you didn't know could be impacting your connection.


And while some advice was seemingly very obvious (like downloading films in advance rather than streaming them), other bits were actually quite surprising.

"Did you know that microwave ovens can also reduce wi-fi signals?" Ofcom asks. "So don't use the microwave when you're making video calls, watching HD videos or doing something important online."

So that's a no to warming up your lunch while on a Skype call, then!

How to make your wifi faster

Other tips include:

  • Try to hold your video calls at less popular times, like at quarter past or quarter to rather than on the hour or half past, as this might give you better connection
  • Use an ethernet cable to connect your computer directly to your router rather than using wifi, for best broadband speeds
  • Don't put your internet router near other devices that might interfere with it - put it on a shelf or table by itself. Devices that are likely to cause problems include baby monitors, dimmer switches (yes really), TVs and monitors, or cordless phones.
  • Ofcom also suggested disconnecting devices that were not in use when you need to make a video call, so give you a higher speed.


    "The more devices attached to your wi-fi, the lower the speed you get," it said. "Devices like tablets and smartphones often work in the background, so try switching wi-fi reception off on these when you're not using them."

    So no browsing Instagram or heating up your baked beans in the microwave while waiting for Zoom to connect, basically.

    Cosmopolitan UK's May issue is out now and available for purchase online and via Readly. You can also SUBSCRIBE HERE or read on Apple News+. You can find our podcast 'All The Way With...' on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and the Acast app.

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